Supersizeme¹ Petřiny
Simona Suchá, Viktória Výbohová, Zoja Zgurišová, Adéla Hamerská, Samuel Hollý, Dominik Nosko, Jakub Samek, Dominik Červinka, Marie Hojná, Valerie Koubová, Jan Mojka, Ema Procházková, Johana Simkovičová, Lucia Čierna, Rebeka Jechová, Anna Reidlová, Barbora Šimůnková, Jasmín Al-Husseinová, Martin Krejčí, Natálie Poláková, Jonáš Staníček, Iryna Vazmitsel, David Vintera, Adam Kučera
supersizeme ¹ | we explore the limits of the possible, we try to push these limits with no sentiment, we look for new forms, the result can thus be real, it can confirm the status quo, it can be also speculative and mostly unacceptable. we want to range from pure rationality to vague abstraction, mega, meta...
petřiny | an exemplary district. can a new intervention, a new metro station in the least dense prague’s prefab housing estate generate new development? how to intervene in an established and functioning structure? is the reverent approach in place?
exhibition | a joint critical search for approaches to possible solutions presented individually on graphic sheets and collectively on website, an intimate insight into the possible "will be" presented in the environment of “is” - a raw physical model of a typical prefab G57 construction system apartment.
¹”Super Size Me”, Morgan Spurlock, 2004
petřiny | an exemplary district. can a new intervention, a new metro station in the least dense prague’s prefab housing estate generate new development? how to intervene in an established and functioning structure? is the reverent approach in place?
exhibition | a joint critical search for approaches to possible solutions presented individually on graphic sheets and collectively on website, an intimate insight into the possible "will be" presented in the environment of “is” - a raw physical model of a typical prefab G57 construction system apartment.
¹”Super Size Me”, Morgan Spurlock, 2004