
Jitka Ressová

jury / architecture

She is a founding member of the architectural office ellement (2003), based in Zlín. The studio focuses on public spaces, Baťa houses, the popularization of architecture, and operates an info point on Baťa housing. Some of their award-winning projects include: Revitalization of Gahura’s Prospect in Zlín (completed in 2013) – nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2015 and the Czech Architecture Award 2016. Marketplace under the Chestnut Trees (completed in 2022) – awarded the Grand Prix of the Czech Chamber of Architects in the Urbanism category for 2024. She was also the editor of the Czech Architecture Yearbook 2014–2015.
“I love work that has meaning, where I can see its benefit. It brings me joy to transform places, breathe new energy into them, uncover connections, and create new relationships. In every project, I look for excitement, room for something new and unconventional. My priority is not just a beautiful building with perfect proportions, but above all, ensuring that people feel truly comfortable in it.”

Lenka Milerová

jury / architecture

She began her studies in architecture somewhat unambitiously at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, but soon discovered there was much more to it. She completed her bachelor’s degree at the Faculty of Architecture, where she is grateful to her then-supervisor, Tomáš Novotný, for asking her: “Lenka, are you applying to the Academy?” She did – and in 2018, she graduated from the Studio of Architecture led by Emil Přikryl. Since then, she has been running her own practice, currently focusing on smaller-scale projects that she can manage independently. At the same time, she was offered a position as an assistant lecturer – first with Ondřej Císler at the Faculty of Architecture and later at the Academy of Fine Arts (ŠA AVU), where she continues to teach.
1) Find your own limits. Push past them step by step, learning from mistakes.
2) Don’t force yourself into a role just because you think society expects it from you. Architecture is an incredibly broad field, and its knowledge can take you almost anywhere.
3) Don’t overwork yourself in the long run. We’ll need to last on this planet for a while yet.

Ján Antal

jury / architecture

Ján is the founder of Arkhe and its art director. He has a strong passion for deepening his understanding of business, innovation, and technology, which he sees as an essential part of creative collaboration on projects. Constantly searching for new forms, materials, and products, he views each project as a challenge to push creative boundaries. In 2021, he was selected for the prestigious Forbes Slovakia "30 Under 30" list.

Matěj Čunát

jury / architecture

Matěj studied architecture and urbanism at the Faculty of Art and Architecture in Liberec. As part of the Erasmus+ program, he studied at Sint-Lucas in Ghent and completed international internships at the urban design studio Maat-Ontwerpers in Ghent and the landscape architecture studio Bauchplan in Munich. In the Czech Republic, he worked for Pavel Hnilička Architects+Planners, and in 2022, he co-founded Studio Taktiky, which focuses on urbanism, public spaces, and landscape architecture. He lives in Prague 7, where he also serves as a municipal district councilor.
“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Always seek themes in architecture and urbanism where you can contribute something of yourself.”

Petr Mičola

jury / architecture

From 2000 to 2016, he led the architectural studio Bonmot, focusing on architecture and urbanism. Since 2017, he has been running GERTEN, a landscape architecture studio. Beyond traditional landscape architecture, the studio also explores technologies that improve conditions for both existing and newly planted trees, as well as issues related to MZI (blue-green infrastructure). A key focus is the philosophy of landscape architecture’s evolution and its interconnection with other disciplines. Landscape architecture is fundamentally about creating a healthy environment for people. His pedagogical and literary activities also reflect this perspective.
Humans, even if they don’t always acknowledge it, need contact with nature or nature-like environments, and this is where his work is directed. The integration of vegetation into cities—not just through parks and streets, but also green infrastructure, eco-mimicry, MZI, and advanced planting technologies—is essential for a fully functional and healthy urban environment. Art is naturally embedded in this process as part of the human way of perceiving the world. However, there is an even higher motivation behind his work: Creating a harmonious environment for all living organisms—not just humans. In this balance lies the key to the survival of the human species...





Eva Wagnerová

jury / landscape architecture

Eva Wagnerová is a landscape architect with many years of experience. From 1973 to 1978, she studied at the Faculty of Horticulture at the University of Agriculture in Lednice, Moravia. After graduating, she worked at Brnoprojekt in the transport and residential construction studios. In 1986–1987, she completed postgraduate studies specializing in landscape architecture, and since 1990, she has been running her own design office. Some of her notable projects include: Revitalization of the Dálky Quarry, Mr. Trnka’s garden in Brno, The original design of the atrium at the Ombudsman’s Office in Brno
I don’t have a motto, but I suppose I have a motor. :) Work has meaning when it’s enjoyable—it can bring at least occasional, brief satisfaction from the results and perhaps the feeling that I can try something different or contribute in some small way. It has always been worthwhile to observe the world around me, constantly seek new information, and learn from both my own and others' mistakes—that's what truly matters.

Martina Bauerová

jury / landscape architecture

Martina Bauerová works at the Prague Institute of Planning and Development in the Public Space Office. She studied at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism in Liberec and, as part of her studies, completed a six-month internship at a French university in Lille, focusing on architecture and landscape. She has also worked as an urban planner in Canada, where she contributed to urban area planning and development regulations in the city center. Currently, she is involved in projects related to Rohanský Island, river development within the city, and other urban public space initiatives.
Ask yourself whether you live and create according to your own values, not whether you've checked all the boxes.

Aleš Hnízdil

jury / landscape architecture

Associate Professor Aleš Hnízdil is a sculptor and a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU). He also completed a semester-long internship at GHK Hochschule für Bildende Kunst in Kassel, studying under Prof. W. Kausche and J. Arnold. His work is rooted in the idea that energy is never lost, only transformed—both in a tangible and spiritual sense. This transformation means that even after our lives end, we remain present in a different form. These processes have neither a beginning nor an end but are part of a continuous flow of transformation. Selected Works & Exhibitions: Public installations in the Netherlands for Psychiatric Center 45 in Oegstgeest and Nieuw Hoog-Hullen near Groningen. - Collections: Represented in the Dutch Queen Beatrix’s collection, Bochum Museum, and Museum Kampa. - Exhibitions: Belvedere, DOX, and GHMP at Troja Château. He is also an academic leader at the Department of Garden and Landscape Design at the Czech University of Life Sciences (ČZU) in Prague, where he oversees the bachelor's program in this field.
The secret of artistic creation lies in the way we think, and that is entirely unique to each of us, no matter what we create. This is where the originality of art comes from—it’s as simple as that. The key is to stay true to it and not succumb to passing trends or borrowed ideas.





Hana Hillerová

jury / design

Hana Hillerová is a visual artist and designer, best known in the United States for her large-scale sculptures and installations. Her work is represented by the Rossana Orlandi Gallery in Milan. She studied at Charles University and later at the University of Texas at Austin, where she also led the Creative Research Laboratory. She exhibits her work in both Europe and the USA and has created metal sculpture installations for Houston Airport. Since returning to Prague, she has been working with glass, creating lighting fixtures, vases, sculptures, and architectural design elements.
“The best art divides the audience.” – Rick Rubin The most creative projects push boundaries. Don’t be afraid to create bold and unconventional designs instead of trying to please everyone.

Václav Mlynář

jury / design

Václav is a designer, creative director, and educator with international experience from studying and working in the USA, Denmark, and London. He graduated from the Royal College of Art in London and UMPRUM in Prague. From 2011 to 2020, he led the award-winning studio deFORM. Since 2020, he has focused on his own creative studios, VM and MONUMENT Office. Since 2017, he has been the creative director of the Bomma brand, and since 2019, he has been teaching product design at NC State University in Prague.
What I love most about my work is that every project is different and always brings something new. This allows me to constantly meet interesting people and learn new things. The work of a designer is incredibly diverse and multifaceted.

Ondřej Tobola

jury / design

Ondřej Tobola is a designer and educator. He studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague (VŠUP) from 2000 to 2007, specializing in product design under the guidance of Michal Froněk and Jan Němeček. In 2003, he co-founded hipposdesign with Radim Babák, focusing on architecture and design with an emphasis on purpose, function, and client involvement in the creative process. He worked as an assistant professor at UMPRUM in Prague (2011–2016) and, since 2017, has been leading the Product Design Studio at FaVU, Brno University of Technology (VUT Brno).
