Criss - cross
Studio Rehwaldt
In the design for the Small Square and its surroundings, I am addressing new axes that will open
up the park and the Stations of the Cross and support life in the square. I apply two concepts: the
"practical" and the "symbolic". The main idea of the practical part is to give priority to people over
cars in the square, to open the park in front of the church and the garden with the Stations of the
Cross. I also propose a shared zone and a new avenue along the church and the park.
In the symbolic sense, I divide the proposal into four parts: Chaos, Rooms, the Stations of the
Cross and the Small Square. Symbolism in the form of the colours and types of vegetation, the
new axes and the proposed elements weaves through the whole proposal. This division is a kind
of allegory of (spiritual) life, where at the beginning there is chaos, where one is looking for a way.
It then continues into the rooms that reflect the urban structure around the park below the church.
This is suggested by the walls reinforcing the loose terrain. It is again a developmental shift, one is
higher up and already has a greater overview. This section is then intertwined with the Stations of
the Cross in the form of a water feature in which to 'purify' oneself before beginning the spiritual
journey. The Way of the Cross is open to the public and dissolved into the hillside. It symbolizes
the arduous journey of Christ and thus brings man closer to its meaning. It all culminates in a
square where all the static elements in the design are combined - cubes, walls, paving and
instead of the current car park, the Small Square offers seating under the proposed oak tree that
is its centrepiece.